West London NHS Trust recognises and acknowledges the potential for harm to occur as a consequence of restrictive practices. This includes trauma, which can be both physical and psychological in nature and applies to everyone; primarily those in our care and our staff.
Our aim is to use the least restrictive option. We promote and advocate the use of evidence-based therapeutic interventions to promote recovery and ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
As an organisation, we are committed to ensuring that restrictive practices are proportionate to the assessed risk where deemed necessary. When restrictive practices are implemented, we require diligent consideration of the individual’s dignity and lawful rights as set out in the Human Rights Act (1998). Additionally, we will ensure that we are transparent in all our practices and demonstrate this through recording and reporting procedures.
The governance of all restrictive practices will be overseen by locality-specific governance meetings and monitored through the Trust-wide clinical governance group, reporting to the Quality Committee and Trust Board.