The diabetes health and wellness coaching offers individual patient-centred support, delivered locally in Southall. Health coaching focuses on increasing patients’ skills and confidence to manage their own condition and set achievable goals - engaging patients to make informed decisions.

Supported self-management is key to the successful day-to-day management of diabetes, putting the person with diabetes at the centre of their care, working in partnership with their health care professional team. The programme focuses on health related lifestyle changes around healthy eating, physical activity, mental wellbeing, smoking and alcohol use.

The programme contains 2 core elements:

  • 12-week personalised health coaching to support with a healthy lifestyle (delivered face-to-face or remotely)
  • Cooking skills classes (monthly), which are held at the University of West London.

The programme focuses on Southall areas, however, referrals from other areas in the borough are welcome.

You can attend the programme if you have:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • You are over 18 years old
  • Have a registered GP in Ealing.

Local face-to-face appointments and remote sessions are available. The diabetes coach will get in touch with you to discuss the most convenient option for you in and around the Southall area. 

You can refer yourself to the diabetes health and wellness coaching service, or a healthcare professional can refer you.

You can complete an online referral.