Publish date: 10 October 2024

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This ‘World Mental Health Day’ - 10 October, Hounslow Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has launched the Little Journey app. Little Journey is an interactive digital app that offers young people a virtual tour of Hounslow CAMHS ahead of their appointment. The app has been designed to enhance the service user experience by giving young people and their families a chance to prepare for their CAMHS appointment from the comfort of their home. The virtual tour offers the app user a chance to explore all the areas they will visit during their appointment, including the main entrance at the Heart of Hounslow Centre for Health, CAMHS reception area and the clinic rooms.

Dr Johan Redelinghuys, Clinical Director for Children and Adolescent Mental Health services said: ‘’The Little Journey app will help increase accessibility by assisting families to prepare for their appointment and make it a less frightening experience. It will also be a good opportunity to facilitate access to and uptake of our waiting well offer.’’ 

Benefits of the Little Journey app 

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The app helps children and young people to be better prepared and to know what to expect at their appointment, which helps reduce fear and anxiety. It has already been piloted in several NHS Trusts with great feedback from children and their families.

Key features include interactive fun content, which is both age appropriate, and child-friendly.

There are a series of animations that explain what can be expected at each stage of the appointment, along with interactive distraction games to play. The app also includes relaxation guides and bite-size articles for young people and their families to read with links to wider resources and available support. 

Feedback from our CAMHS Youth Ambassadors

Ahead of its launch, the Little Journey app was extensively tested by our CAMHS Youth Ambassadors, who are previous service users. They were asked to review the app to ensure its suitability for children and young people and we’re pleased to say they’ve shared some very positive feedback:

‘The app seems like a great way to be introduced to CAMHS and reduce how overwhelming a first appointment can be.’

‘The app design is done really well, we like the graphics and the wording.’

‘Really good, and helpful to note down when appointments are.’

‘Good range of different articles for parents to read and gives them a good insight into mental health and CAMHS.’

‘Includes a good range of different breathing and relaxation games to play to distract the child before their appointment.’

The app is free to download from Google store or App store and is available for use on a smartphone or tablet. 

What’s next? 

The Little Journey digital project has been delivered in collaboration with Best for You and once the app has been successfully piloted in Hounslow CAMHS there are plans to roll it out to families accessing CAMHS support in Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham.

For further information about the Little Journey app please visit the website. 

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