Publish date: 21 November 2023

International nurse Bryan honoured at the Palace

Bryan Bernal, Associate Practice Development and Innovation Nurse at West London NHS Trust was recently honoured by His Majesty King Charles III and other Royal dignitaries at a reception held at Buckingham Palace.

The reception was held to celebrate the significant contributions made by international nurses and midwives within the UK Health and Social Care Sector.

The event was held on Tuesday 14th November as one of the events to mark the 75th anniversary of the NHS.

Bryan was nominated to attend the event by Neda Lofti, International Recruitment Project Manager at West London NHS Trust after each NHS region was asked to nominate staff to put forward. The nominees had to be at different stages in their careers and whose extraordinary contribution deserved recognition.

Just a select few of the nominees were then chosen to attend the reception and Bryan was among just 5 nurses/midwives within the London area to receive a personalised invitation.

Also in attendance at the reception were the Duke of Gloucester (the late Queen’s first cousin) and his wife, the Duchess of Gloucester, along with a number of Ambassadors from different countries.

After the event we caught up with Bryan to find out more about his experience at the Palace.

How do you feel about attending such a prestigious event?

“Being at Buckingham Palace was incredible, I never imagined in my lifetime that I would be invited to a reception hosted by the King. Standing there, seeing His Majesty King Charles III and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester was surreal. But what really got me was meeting nurses from all over, sharing stories and pride in our work. It was a blend of royal elegance and down-to-earth connections that made it unforgettable. Leaving, I had to pinch myself to make sure it all really happened!”

“Representing West London NHS Trust at such a distinguished event felt incredibly special. Out of all the trusts in London, being among the select few chosen to attend heightened the honour. It was a source of immense pride to stand there, knowing that our trust was recognised among the few, showcasing our dedication to healthcare and the core values that define us. The experience was a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone within West London NHS Trust, and it felt like a moment of validation for our collective efforts.”


Could you share your thoughts on the Palace hosting this event specifically for international nurses?

“For me as an internationally educated nurse, the Palace hosting this event for international nurses held immense significance. It stood as a powerful acknowledgment of the invaluable contributions made by these healthcare professionals within the UK's Health and Social Care Sector. The event showed a profound appreciation for their diverse perspectives, skills, and the cultural enrichment they bring to the healthcare.”

“This gesture highlighted the importance of embracing the global community within healthcare, emphasising unity, collaboration, and respect for the tireless efforts of nurses and midwives in the NHS. It served as a testament to inclusivity and the recognition of their unwavering dedication, transcending borders and backgrounds.”