Publish date: 2 July 2024

West London NHS Trust is hosting a series of online and in person listening events, to gather patient, carer, staff and community views on developing our Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF).

The Framework is a national requirement for all NHS mental health trusts and service providers, aimed at helping organisations to become anti-racist, by ensuring that they are responsible for co-producing and implementing concrete actions to reduce racial inequalities within their services. 

These listening events will help us to gather insights which will start to shape the framework implementation plan, and help us to address any racial imbalances in access, experience, and outcomes for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities in mental health services, and improve trust and confidence in these services.

Please register to join one of the events below by emailing, or call on 07860 104223

  • Hounslow
    Tuesday 23 July, 2 to3.30pm online
  • Ealing
    Tuesday 23 July, 10 to 11.30am online
  • Hammersmith and Fulham
    Thursday 25 July 2024, 2 to3pm, venue TBC
    Wednesday 24 July, 10 to11.30am online
  • Dates for in person sessions for Hounslow and Ealing to be confirmed.

For more information email, or call on 07860 104223.

If you are unable to attend, you can still share your views with us by getting in touch.

Download the flyer to share.