Publish date: 13 June 2024

Clinton Sassa.jpg
Clinton tackled depression
with exercise

This Men’s Health Week we want to encourage you to follow our Clinton Sassa’s lead and look after your wellbeing. Read Clinton’s inspiring story and find out how rediscovering his love for exercise helped him to manage his depression. 

We also encourage men everywhere to normalise talking about mental health and supporting eachother. We’re making improvements in this area but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Two in five men say they regularly feel worried or low and the number of men experiencing suicidal thoughts had doubled since 2009.

That’s why in Ealing we’ve been working with 50 local barbershops to raise awareness of and champion men’s mental health. We know that the barbershop is a community space where important conversations happen, and we recognise that we all have a role to play in looking after one another; that includes our local barbers, who are now proud to be mental health advocates. Read more about that initiative.

Find out more about how to get support from our Talking Therapies services on our website.