Publish date: 22 November 2023

The Trust is furthering its commitment to actively involving patients, families and carers, and local communities, through our new 'Co-production and Partnership' strategy.

The updated strategy recognises the importance of working in partnership with patients and their families to plan and deliver services.

Our aim is to improve quality, and provide care with compassion whilst also tackling health inequalities.

To achieve this, we are building our organisation in partnership with the people who use our services - families and carers, staff and the wider community.

The strategy has been co-produced and developed with our patients, their families and carers, staff and partners, and is an updated version of our 2018-22 strategy.


Together we are embarking on a journey to further develop and embed involvement, co-production, and partnership working as day-to-day practice across our Trust.

Alexandra Watson, Head of Involvement, Co-production and Partnerships says:

“Supporting the active involvement of patients, and their families and carers in their care, and in Trust plans and key decisions, helps to ensure the care the Trust provides is appropriate for everyone who may need it.”

Our Trust’s involvement work is centred around the following 6 principles:

  • Equal Partnerships: Patients are seen as equal partners in designing and delivering services.
  • Recognising Strengths: Acknowledging and supporting the strengths of individuals for meaningful contributions.
  • Engagement: Creating opportunities for patients and carers to engage with agreed-upon responsibilities and expectations.
  • Peer and Personal Networks - Encouraging networks alongside professionals for sharing experiences and knowledge.
  • Breaking Boundaries: Working to remove rigid boundaries in service development and delivery.
  • Community Relationships: Actively reaching out to local communities, especially those facing.

Read our full strategy and a summary of our strategy.

Getting Involved

If you’d like to get involved and help support the work of the Trust, you can sign up to our ‘Involvement register’.

Getting involved can mean having a voice and discussing care at an individual level; or bringing knowledge, skills and experience to work with our staff as we develop, deliver and evaluate our services.

Find out more about how you can get involved.