Publish date: 17 July 2024

We’re delighted to share that our collaboration with Imperial College Health Partners (ICHP) has been highlighted in ICHP's 2023/24 Impact Report. This report, published on 11 July 2024, showcases the collective efforts and significant outcomes achieved through this partnership over the past year.

The Impact Report is divided into two main sections, reflecting ICHP's dual aims: implementing a mission-led approach to research and innovation, and increasing health innovation capabilities and capacity across North West London.

Key highlights of our partnership:

  • Discovery phase for research and innovation missions: Trust colleagues actively participated in interviews and focus groups during the discovery phase, identifying key innovation opportunities with the potential for significant impact.
  • Innovation forum engagement: Five Trust colleagues attended Innovation Forum events, joining around 300 stakeholders to share knowledge, insights, and solutions addressing challenges and opportunities in health innovation.
  • Digital literacy pilot projects: In collaboration with ICHP and CW+, Trust colleagues worked on evaluating three pilot projects aimed at improving access to digital  services for individuals lacking digital literacy. One notable project, "Powering Recovery," was led by West London NHS Trust.
  • Consortium for evaluation in NW London: ICHP, along with Trust colleagues, established a consortium to standardise evaluation approaches across the region, supporting the development of a learning health system with tools, guidance, and training for staff.

Axel Heitmueller, Managing Director at ICHP, emphasised the importance of this collaborative approach: “This has been a pivotal year for our North West London integrated care system, mobilising a mission-led approach around a small number of health innovation priorities where our collective efforts and resources have the potential to lead to bigger gains and greater impact. ICHP was established by the North West London system to help collaborate and innovate for a healthier population. We’re looking forward to sharing this latest Impact Report with our Members and Partners, whose continued support makes this work possible.”

ICHP brings together NHS providers of healthcare services and universities across our local Integrated Care System (ICS) in North West London.

To read the full ICHP Impact Report, visit the ICHP website: ICHP-Impact-Report-2023-24.pdf(