Publish date: 13 July 2023
Yesterday (Thursday 12 July) the Trust held its annual general meeting (AGM).
This year, the event was once again held virtually with stakeholders and staff joining to hear about the last 12 months and latest developments from across the Trust.
The meeting was opened by Vice Chair of West London NHS Trust, Dr Mohini Parmar, who welcomed guests and set out the agenda.
Chief Executive, Carolyn Regan CBE, then discussed the past year, highlighting our successes as well as the newly launched strategy and annual report.
Chief Finance Officer, Paul Stefanoski, then took over to talk about the Trust’s financial position, highlighting capital and agency spending plus cash movements.
Nina Singh, Chief People Officer, gave a picture of the Trust’s growing workforce and positive work to tackle vacancy rates, including an increase in its nursing staff.
Nathan Christie Plummer, the Trust’s Deputy Director of Workforce, then took over to shine a light on the North West London Refugee Recruitment Programme with 230 refugees currently enrolled.
The meeting concluded with a presentation about the Trust’s community partnerships, hosted by Dr Julia Renton, clinical director of Community and Recovery Mental Health Services.
She handed over to invitees - Nana Owusu, Clinical Lead of The Circle Crisis Cafe for Children and Young People, and Lee Doyle, Chief Executive of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, who discussed their relationships with the Trust.
This was followed by a short Q and A discussion.Thank you to everyone who contributed and attended this year’s AGM.
Click here to watch the AGM Video
If you have any feedback relating to the AGM please contact