Publish date: 10 August 2023

West London NHS Trust has selected its new candidates for its 2023/2024 Talent Pool.

The Talent Pool aims to give those with great potential and ambition the opportunity to access a range of development opportunities, tailored to their own career aspirations.

To welcome the new candidates a special event was held at The Stoop in Twickenham last week to showcase all the training and leadership opportunities available to the group.

Ali Webster, Deputy Director of Organisational Development at West London NHS Trust, said: “Now in its third year, the Trust is pleased to have announced its talent pool for 2023 to 2024, made up of individuals that have been identified as having potential and ambition and identified as exceeding expectations. Unlike other talent pools that select their talent from their most senior workforce, our talent management process is inclusive and enables staff at all levels to apply.”

Traditionally NHS Trust’s take a more exclusive approach to talent management only identifying staff in Bands 8c and above.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the priorities of staff are changing with a greater focus on health and wellbeing, work/life balance and development – all highlighted in the Trust’s Staff Survey.

Career progression and creating clear pathways to promotion is therefore critical in attracting and retaining talent – and the Trust’s Talent Pool is one way we hope to achieve this.

You can find out more about careers at West London NHS Trust here.