Publish date: 30 January 2025
We are pleased to share that four of West London NHS Trust’s 'Quality Improvement' (QI) projects have been selected to be presented at the 2025 'Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and British Medical Journal (BMJ) International Forum on Quality and Safety' in Utrecht in the Netherlands. This prestigious forum is jointly organized by IHI and BMJ Group.
The theme of this year's conference is "From inspiration to impact: shaping the future of health and care," focusing on practical outcomes. The forum is the largest healthcare quality improvement conference in Europe, attracting more than 5,000 healthcare improvers from over 50 different countries. To be selected to present these projects, therefore, showcases the trust's innovative work on an international stage.
Our projects will not only be presented at the conference but will also be featured for a full year on the IHI International platform, reaching additional audiences at conferences in Australia and Asia.
The projects selected for presentation are as follows:
"Building safer forensic care: How West London NHS Trust's QI team engaged hearts and minds"
- Reducing Restricting Practice team, presented by Faith Ogbebor (Forensics) and Neil Martin (QI team)
"Flow forward: How Hounslow Talking Therapies used QI to transform access"
- Psychological Medicine Services, Hounslow Talking Therapies team, presented by Jake Domingo (PMS) and Joe Durham (QI team)
"People powering clinical practice: Ealing Community Partners Pulmonary Rehabilitation QI"
- Ealing Community Partners Pulmonary Rehabilitation team, presented by Maitri Pandya, Djeya (Jay) Kaliaraju (ICS) and Sandra Lennon (QI team)
"Making quality priorities work: How West London NHS Trust's QI team built a framework to support change"
- Trust-wide Corporate Quality Improvement team, presented by Saraspadee Veeramah (QI team)
This selection is a remarkable achievement, highlighting and recognising the important work happening across the trust.
The conference organisers note that 61% of delegates report positive organisational changes as a result of attending the forum, putting West London NHS Trust at the forefront of global healthcare improvement conversations, with our work reaching international audiences.
Congratulations to all those involved in the selected projects!