- Strength and Balance is a 10-week programme delivered by StayActive4Life in locations throughout Ealing.
Tel: 01753 653836 Email: admin@StayActive4Life.co.uk
- Ealing Handyperson Service can help with small practical jobs to make your home safer and easier to manage.
Tel: 020 8825 6070 Email: HandyPersonReferrals@ealing.gov.uk
- Careline provides a personal alarm service with either a basic or enhanced monitoring service - chargeable.
Tel: 0300 123 2986
- Age UK Ealing offer a free telephone support and befriending service.
Tel: 020 8567 8017 Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/ealing/
- Southall Community Alliance offers keep fit, gentle exercise, Strength and Balance classes for all ages.
Tel: 020 8574 8855 Email: southallcommunityalliance@hotmail.com
- Ealing Centre for Independent Living (ECIL) offer free information, support and advice to disabled people in Ealing.
Tel: 020 8280 2274 Website: www.ecil.org
- Ealing Advice Service (EAS) free local advice,information and signposting for benefits, care and support.
Tel: 020 8579 8429 Website: www.ealingadvice.org
- Everyone Active local leisure centres have loads of activities on offer for all abilities – bowls to badminton, swimming and social clubs (charges will apply).
Website: www.everyoneactive.com
- Healthy Homes Ealing free and impartial advice on energy bills, insulating your home and how to upgrade old and inefficient heating systems. They also offer financial assistance and grants.
Tel: 0800 083 2265 Website: www.ealing.gov.uk/HealthyHomesEaling.