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This page contains materials produced by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH). On 1 July 2024, all adult and children’s community services in the London Borough of Hounslow provided by HRCH transferred to West London NHS Trust. Whilst we are in the process of re-producing these materials, patients and referrers can still refer to the information contained within them.


Anyone can make a referral.

The bladder and bowel team sees people who are aged 2 to 18 years who are registered with a Hounslow GP.

Children’s Community Nursing referral form

All referrals must be accompanied by:

A copy of your initial completed Continence Assessment Form – Child that has been toilet trained OR Continence Assessment Form - Child who has not yet been toilet trained.

Copies of all other assessment documentation used e.g. Intake/Output Chart, Poo Diary, Night Time Diary/ Toilet Readiness Assessment Chart.

If child is suffering from constipation and/or daytime bladder problems - evidence of physical examination carried out by GP/Paediatrician.

Please note: The appropriate Intake/Output Chart, Poo Diary, Night Time Diary/ Toilet Readiness Assessment Chart must be completed for a minimum of two weeks and submitted with your referral.

More information and copies of the continence assessment forms can be downloaded from The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity