The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a home visiting programme for first time mums aged 24 years or under.
A specially trained family nurse visits the young mum regularly from the early stages of pregnancy until their child is two. The FNP programme helps young mums to:
- Have a healthy pregnancy
- Improve their child’s health and development
- Plan their own future and achieve their aspirations
How does it work?
When you first meet with a midwife as part of your pregnancy, if they think you might find FNP helpful, they can make a referral to us.
You can also refer yourself or ask your GP or any other professional to make a referral for you.
A specially trained family nurse will then get in touch with you to say hello and arrange an initial visit with you at home. During this visit, they will explain what the programme is and how it works. You'll have a chance to ask questions and decide if FNP is right for you.
If you decide you would like to join the programme, you and your family nurse will meet regularly, at times that suit you. Your visits will start during pregnancy right through until your child turns two.
Throughout your journey, you and your family nurse will work on lots of different aspects of your pregnancy together, including parent-child attachment, breastfeeding, immunising your baby, child development and school readiness.
Your family nurse will fit the programme around you and your individual needs, helping to improve your self-confidence as well as supporting you on other issues such as mental health, anxiety, housing and stopping smoking.
Related content
Local breastfeeding drop-in clinics:
National Family Nurse Partnership website
Top tips for parents – Institute of Health Visiting
Little Lullaby online support group
You can refer yourself to the Family Nurse Partnership or ask any professional to make a referral for you:
- GP (family doctor)
- Midwife
- Education professionals
- Youth services
- Sexual health
- Social services
- Hospitals