Our intravenous therapy service is an integrated community service led by clinical nurse specialists in intravenous (IV) therapy.
The service aims to:
Deliver an enhanced service administering IV antibiotics to patients in the community who are registered with a Hounslow GP.
Prevent unnecessary acute hospital admission and facilitate safe and early discharge from hospital, by providing a comprehensive community-based service for patients who need IV antibiotics at home, or in a treatment room setting.
Provide the highest quality treatment, advice and support to patients who require administration of IV medication via varying venous access devices (cannula, mid-line, peripherally inserted central catheters, implanted ports)
Maintain a close working relationship with GPs, other multi-disciplinary team members and Hospital Consultants. It will be a resource to promote the management of IV Therapy and provide specialist advice and education to health care professionals requiring input from Intravenous Therapy Service.
The IV service includes staff from the following teams and services: clinical nurse specialists in IV therapy; district nursing teams; night nursing service; Teddington Memorial Hospital in-patient service; Richmond response and rehabilitation team; integrated community response service.
Please see the referral forms for details on patient criteria for this service.