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This page contains materials produced by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH). On 1 July 2024, all adult and children’s community services in the London Borough of Hounslow provided by HRCH transferred to West London NHS Trust. Whilst we are in the process of re-producing these materials, patients and referrers can still refer to the information contained within them.

The Trust’s podiatry service assesses, diagnoses and treats a variety of conditions affecting the foot and lower limb.

This includes preventative, palliative and corrective care in order to maintain tissue viability and improve and maintain foot health and improve mobility. Individual treatment packages are offered based on podiatric need.

A range of services are available and include:

  • Biomechanical assessment, including orthotic prescription and manufacture
  • Corrective nail surgery
  • Core podiatry care, including foot health promotion and self-care advice.
  • Diabetic foot protection and risk assessment
  • Provision of services to residential homes, including the training of carers in simple foot care.

Patients who are completely housebound may be able to receive some treatment at home. (This is needs assessed)

Please note: The podiatry service is NOT able to provide simple toenail cutting where there are no underlying medical risk factors.

Podiatry service patient information leaflet

Guidance on the identification and treatment of some common foot problems is available from the Royal College of Podiatry website.


Patients can be referred to the service by a healthcare professional or social care professional. Patients can also refer themselves using the link below.

Patients must be registered with a Hounslow GP

This service is open to children and adults

Consultation is by appointment only.

Referrals should be sent to our central administration office.

GP referrals should be sent electronically via SystmOne task

GP practices no on SystmOne should email hrch.podiatryhounslow@nhs.net

Referrals from other healthcare professionals should be emailed directly to the podiatry office at hrch.podiatryhounslow@nhs.net using the referral forms below.

Online self-referrals will be sent directly to the Hounslow Podiatry Service.

Self-referral form